Thursday, January 13, 2011

I'm a horrible blogger

I haven't posted in over two years.  TWO YEARS!!!!!!!  I'm horrible.  So much has happened since then.  We've had beach trips, Ella's 3 1/2 now, I've had back surgery, Jon's switched jobs.  I can't believe how much time has flown by.

So I'm going to try to be better.  Not that anyone actually reads this anymore.  HAHAHAHA.  I need to be better about documenting stuff that happens with The Boo.  She's such a mess and it would be a shame for me to forget the funny stuff she does and says on a daily basis.'s how much she's changed since the last post.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

It's been a while!

I can't believe that it's been so long since I updated the blog!! Ella is doing really well. She's walking all over the place and she just keeps getting faster and faster. She's cutting 4 jaw teeth right now, so she's kinda miserable. Hopefully they will be through her gums soon and she can get back to her normal happy self. She is jabbering non-stop and is so funny. We recently went to the beach with the family and she had such a good time playing with her cousins. She loved the ocean and the pool.
We're taking her next week to see Veggietales Live here in Huntsville with Wendy and Braeden. I know she's going to love it. I can't wait. I'll post pictures on Wednesday.
I'll leave with you some pictures of the monkey. She is so much fun!!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Emarie's Website

This is my aunt's website that Jon has been working on. If you have a second check it out! Cute stuff!!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Monday, August 4, 2008

Finally some relief!!

I'm having my epidural shots done Wednesday at 8:30 am at Crestwood Medical Center. YIPPEEE!! I am so excited! Is is weird to be this excited about someone sticking something in your spine? Oh well, call me weird then. I hope this helps as much as I think it's going to. I'm just ready to stop hurting all the time. We'll see...

Thursday, July 31, 2008

MRI Results

MRI results came back yesterday. I have degenerative disc disease and my L5-S1 disc is herniated. We're going to schedule the epidural shots today and hopefully have them done next week. I'm just ready for some relief!!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


I feel like the worst mommy in the world this morning.

My back has been hurting a lot lately and my attitude has been less than desirable. I took a muscle relaxer last night before I went to bed so I was extra sleepy when I got up this morning. Ella woke up while Jon was getting ready so he put her in bed with me. Usually she snuggles up with me and goes right back to sleep. Well, not this morning. She wanted to play. She poked my nose, pulled on my lip, pulled my get the picture. I was aggrivated that she wasn't letting me go back to sleep so I fussed at her and she eventually settled down, but she never went back to sleep. When the alarm went off for us to get up I got Ella ready (gumbling the whole time) and put her in her play pen while I got ready and packed the diaper back. She was whining and crying so I fixed her breakfast and she continued to cry. I got very put out with her and I raised my voice louder than I meant to. Blah....that little bottom lip came out and she started crying, saying "Mama" over and over again. I felt like the biggest jerk...and rightly so, I was being a big jerk. My patience has been so thin with everyone lately. I'm sure it's because I haven't felt well, but that's still no excuse. I could tell I really hurt Ella's feelings, and it broke my heart. Luckily, she forgives easily and quickly.

A blog that I frequent had the most amazing post on this type of thing just the other day. If you can check it out, it is so worth the time ( The image of one day handing Jesus the scrapbook of my days motivates me and terrifies me at the same time. There are so many "photographs" of my life that I am ashamed of, deeply ashamed. I wish I could tear them out and burn them so he never has to see them. One of those snapshots was taken this morning when I raised my voice to my precious baby. Since I read her post I have been so much more aware of how my acts and words must look to God. I know that there are many, many times a day that He probably looks at me and shakes his head, disappointed in his daughter's actions. All I can do is try to make these pictures pleasing to him, but most of the time I will admit...I fail miserably. The thing that is so frustrating about this is that He has blessed me so much that I shouldn't be as quick to snip at my family as I am. I have a wonderful husband who loves me and has been at my side through good times and bad for 9 years and we have the most beautiful baby girl who is just the sweetest thing. I've been very prayful about my attitude lately, because I need an adjustment BIG TIME!!!!

On a brighter note, dad's heart cath went well yesterday. He had 70% blockage in one of the main arteries and they were able to put a stint in. We also found out that he has Epstein-Barr so that's what's been making him so exhausted and sick lately. Now he just has to get to feeling better before we all go to the beach!!!!

I'm going to try to get some pictures of Ella up soon. I've been pretty bad about updating and posting pics lately.

Now I'm going to go and do some work before Ella wakes up from her nap!