Thursday, September 27, 2007

New Pics of Ella

Here are some new pictures of Ella Boo!

Some pictures of Ella

Here are a few pictures of Ella. The one where she's asleep is when I was changing her diaper and she passed out on me. The other ones are of Ella when she met her Auntie Leslie and Emme for the first time. They were so cute together. Emme was so fretful when she saw her mommy holding Ella for the first time. It was pitiful.

Hope you enjoy!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Yipeeee for Sleep!!

Ella slept throught the night last night!!!! WHOOHOOO!! 11:00 pm-6:30 am. She ate, went right back to sleep, and slept until 10:00. She's finally getting over her sinus infection thank goodness.

For the past couple of days she's been laughing out loud a little bit. She had done it for me a couple of times and Jon hadn't heard her do it. Then last night we were sitting in the living room and she let out this big belly laugh. Jon and I just laughed. She is so sweet and so happy all the time. I could eat her up.

Big Spring Jam is this weekend!! Big Spring Jam is a huge outdoor music festival that happens every year. I am so excited. We're going on Friday and Saturday night. Mom and Dad are coming to keep Ella so we can go. She's going to be even more rotten when they leave. I'm looking forward to them coming.

Leslie and Emme are coming on Saturday on their way home from the beach to stay for a couple of days. Very Very excited!!! This will be the first time that Leslie's been down since Emme was 2 months old. She didn't get to spend a lot of time with Ella when we were in TN so I'm looking forward to her being here. I can't wait to play with Emme. She's getting so big and is so cute! I'll post pictures of her and Ella together when I can.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

I Forgive Circuit City

I totally forgive Circuit City and any horrible things that I have said about them in the past few weeks I take back.

Our laptop that we've had for 4 years went out of warranty at the beginning of August. The CD burner was broken so we took it in to be fixed before the warranty ran out. That was when Ella was 2 weeks old. Last Saturday was 8 weeks since we had the part ordered. Well, they finally got the part in and when they went to install it they couldn't get the face plate on. We had to wait and wait. I eventually went in and chewed 2 people out. So they called us today and told us that they couldn't fix it, but they would give us a NEW LAPTOP!!!!! WHOOOPPEEEE!! It's so pretty. It's a Sony VAIO and it's awesome!!! So much better than our other one. They poor guy that was trying to fix it kept asking us if this made up for the trouble we had with them. We were both like, "Heck Yeah!!". I love, love, love it!!! Did I mention it's pretty. It's shiny and silver and wonderful.........i need a moment.

So Circuit City is now back in my good graces.....(I'm sure they were very concerned about that).

By the way....the yard sale didn't go really well. We made about $30. Jason made about $60 I think.

I've been watching the "So You Think You Can Dance" marathon all weekend on MTV. I love that show. I totally wish I could dance like that. have that much coordination. Alas, I am gracefully challenged.

Just for fun I'm including these new diapers I am obsessed with but can not afford to buy. I want at least one, but Jon thinks I'm crazy to spend $27.99 on one diaper. Yup, you heard that correctly....$27.99 for something she will poop in. But look at them. They are so pretty

Friday, September 21, 2007

We Have To Much Junk

We're having a yard sale tomorrow over at our friend Jason's house. Auntie Lo came over to watch Elle Boo while we went through the garage. They had a good time snuggling. I hate getting ready for yard sales. You never realize how much stupid stuff you've saved over the years until you get ready for one. What we don't sale tomorrow is going straight to the Goodwill. We're not bringing it back to the house. I want it gone!!!!

Ella was so good today. She's finally started to get over the whininess where she wants me to hold her all the time. I actually got to clean my house today!!!!! WHOOPEE!! It was about to drive me mad. I still have our bedroom to clean, but I can do that after the yardsale.

We put up all the yardsale signs around the neighborhood and the surrounding streets last night around 7:00ish. Jason's neighbor said that 3 different people came to his house today while he was at work and knocked on the door wanting to get an "early Bird" deal. What is with these people? Are you serious? Hardcore yardsale people are a different kind of breed. I can't imagine getting up at 6:00 in the morning on a Saturday to go rumage through someone elses junk that they don't want. Oh each his own.

I'm going to go take a shower while Jon has Ella entertained and get to bed so I can handle "Yardsale Mania" tomorrow. Wish us luck!!

Cloth Diapers

I thought that I would share a picture of Ella in her pretty green cloth diaper. Of course she has the matching pacifier and is sitting on the matching green pillow. I know, I'm a dork.

The Guilt and Fear of Motherhood

Ella just started sleeping her crib over the past week or so and for the past 3 nights has slept in her room by herself. I slept in the room with her for a few nights and then decided to hook up the baby monitor and sleep in my own bed. I haven't really slept that well in the past few nights without her in the room with us because I'm terrifed of not being in the room with her. I guess one of my biggest fears is SIDS. I guess I keep thinking that if she's in the room with me that it wouldn't happen, which is not entirely true. I know that she eventually has to sleep in her own room, but 2 months still seems a little early for my liking. She was sleeping in our room in her Amby baby hammock but she sleeps so much better stretched out in her crib. Plus, she's not hearing us toss and turn, get up to go the bathroom, me snore, etc..

I guess I didn't realize the feelings of guilt would come this early either. I figured that would come when she was older, but alas it's already happened. My sister says that it doesn't stop either. That you always feel guilty about something. I'm sure that she's right...she has been through this 3 times. I guess I feel the most guilty about not being able to breastfeed anymore. I wanted to so badly but things don't always work out the way we want them to. She's been sick for about 3 1/2 weeks now with this cold/sinus infection and I can't help but wonder if I was able to breastfeed longer if she wouldn't have gotten sick...or at least gotten well quicker. I would probably feel worse if I knew I hadn't tried everthing that I could to continue breastfeeding. I tried my best and my body just didn't want to cooperate. Seems like my body does that a lot. Oh well, you gotta work with what you have. My body doesn't usually do anything right that it's supposed to, but it's the only one that I have.

Last night I was getting Ella ready for bed and I was looking in her closet for some pj's for her to wear. I got one of her footy sleepers out to put it on her and when I held it up to her it was a good 2 1/2 inches to short. I called Jon in the room to look at how much she's grown. She smiled at her daddy and I put the sleeper in a box for stuff she will outgrow and then I cried. This is all going by so quickly and I want to enjoy every second of it. It's times like that when I realize that as cliche as it sounds...they really do grow up before you know it.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Co-Pays Stink!

Ella is still sick. Urgh!! I'm still having to use the nasal aspirator quite a bit and she screams like a banshee. I called the doctor today and told them that something needed to be done and that we couldn't afford to keep paying $25 co-pays and her still stay sick. She's been sick for 3 1/2 weeks now and we've spent $125 in co-pays not to mention the perscriptions.

She won't nap for more than 20 minutes at a time and then she wants to snuggle with me because she doesn't feel good. So as you can guess, I have gotten ZERO done in the house. It looks like a tornado has ripped through it. My goal for today is get the bathroom cleaned. If I can get that done I think I will feel much better. On a side is incredibly hard to type with a wiggley baby on your lap.

Jon wants to have a yard sale this weekend. Blah....I know that we need to but getting ready for a yardsale is such a pain. We need the money so we can have it to go towards our trip to Memphis at the end of October. We're going for about 3 days and we're going to see the San Antonio Spurs play the Memphis Grizzlies on Oct. 31st. We went in January when I was pregnant with Ella and we had a great time. We only got to stay for one day so we didn't really get to do much. I'm glad that we're staying longer this time.

We'll, the princess is starting to doze so I think I'm going to go put her in her crib and see if I can get my nasty bathroom cleaned.

I'm going to try to post the pictures from our trip to TN tonight. Jon is getting the laptop fixed today...FINALLY. We've only been waiting on the part for, oh....7 weeks!!!!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Why Blog?

In the wee hours of the morning while I was feeding Ella a couple of days ago I decided that it would be cool to start my own blog. I can't tell you how many times I have bought journals with all the best intentions of writing in them. I usually do for about 2 days and then I either lose the journal or just forget to do it. Since I can't lose the computer and I'm on here during the day anyway I thought this would be a great way to document my adventure of being a new mom and so our families that are far away can see pictures of Ella and find out what she's been up to.

We took our first trip to the Sells' house in Elizabethton this weekend. She did really well on the trip and hammed it up for all of the family members. We got to see some of my friends from high school and Jon's sister, Cathy, finally got to see her. It was so much fun. She was so glad to be home last night and out of that carseat. I tripped her down to her diaper and let her stretch out on the bed and she kicked her legs and smiled and laughed. It was too cute.

Well, that's it for my very first blog post. Boring, huh? I'll try to post some pictures later.