Sunday, September 23, 2007

I Forgive Circuit City

I totally forgive Circuit City and any horrible things that I have said about them in the past few weeks I take back.

Our laptop that we've had for 4 years went out of warranty at the beginning of August. The CD burner was broken so we took it in to be fixed before the warranty ran out. That was when Ella was 2 weeks old. Last Saturday was 8 weeks since we had the part ordered. Well, they finally got the part in and when they went to install it they couldn't get the face plate on. We had to wait and wait. I eventually went in and chewed 2 people out. So they called us today and told us that they couldn't fix it, but they would give us a NEW LAPTOP!!!!! WHOOOPPEEEE!! It's so pretty. It's a Sony VAIO and it's awesome!!! So much better than our other one. They poor guy that was trying to fix it kept asking us if this made up for the trouble we had with them. We were both like, "Heck Yeah!!". I love, love, love it!!! Did I mention it's pretty. It's shiny and silver and wonderful.........i need a moment.

So Circuit City is now back in my good graces.....(I'm sure they were very concerned about that).

By the way....the yard sale didn't go really well. We made about $30. Jason made about $60 I think.

I've been watching the "So You Think You Can Dance" marathon all weekend on MTV. I love that show. I totally wish I could dance like that. have that much coordination. Alas, I am gracefully challenged.

Just for fun I'm including these new diapers I am obsessed with but can not afford to buy. I want at least one, but Jon thinks I'm crazy to spend $27.99 on one diaper. Yup, you heard that correctly....$27.99 for something she will poop in. But look at them. They are so pretty

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