Miss Ella is 12 weeks old today. I can't believe it. It has flown by so fast. She is such a good baby. I could just squeeze her to death!! She had her checkup today and had to get her shots....3 to be exact. It was horrible. She cried like I have never heard her cry before.....and I cried with her. The doctor said that she was looking great. She's 23.5 inches long (19.5 at birth) and she now weighs 12 lbs 4 oz (7 lbs 6 oz at birth). He checked her eyes and said that she's tracking with them really well. He said that was great because you usually don't see that in babies until they are about 5 months old. Our baby is a GENIUS!!! When you walk by her she will turn her head to follow you. She's so smart!! (she must get that from her daddy).
I can't believe how much our lives have changed in 12 weeks and how normal this new life seems now. She's sleeping through the night now and she's smiling and laughing. I tell ya, her laugh is one thing that I could hear over and over again and never get tired of. It's the cutest little belly laugh. I can't imagine our life without her. My favorite thing about this whole adventure has been watching Jon with her. I swear I fall more in love with him everyday. She adores him and smiles so big when he talks to her. He is the most wonderful father and husband. He surprises me a little more everyday. I feel very blessed. Here are few pictures of Ella from
Ella's bandaid's after her shots.
Here she is in her Bumbo seat. She's still a little bit of a bobble head, but she's getting better.
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