Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Emme and Ella

Leslie and Emme just left a little while ago. We miss them already. Emme was quite the little helper when it came to putting Ella's pacifer back in her mouth..although sometimes it hit the eye instead, she was trying. Me and Les had a fabulous time together, as always. We shopped and made hairbows and did all kinds of other girly things with the babies. We found some great deals at an AWESOME children's consignment store her in Huntsville. It's called Twice Upon a Time and I LOVE it.

Jason is leaving tomorrow to go to Orlando for work for 3-5 weeks. I don't know what we're going to do without him being here. Yuck! I told him that we would update the blog everyday and put new pictures up of Ella Boo. She'll be about 16 weeks old the next time we see him.

Here are some pictures of the girls together.

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