Thursday, November 29, 2007

Stuff I’m Thankful For:

As the holiday season approaches we all become a little more sentimental and think of the things that we are most thankful for. I decided to make a list of the people and things I’m most thankful for and why. Sometimes I think it’s good to sit down and think of all the wonderful things and people you have in your life and stop thinking about all the negative things. We all have our problems, but if you’re one of the lucky people who woke up this morning, had food to eat for breakfast, a roof over your head, and someone to tell you they love you…’re luckier than most. Here’s my list of what and whom I’m most thankful for.

After the first 6 they are in no particular order. This is not a ranking list.

1.) Jesus Christ because he was born and died for my sins so that one day I can live with him for eternity in Heaven.
2.) Jon – You are my soul mate and the love of my life. I love the fact that I will wake up next to you every day for the rest of my life
3.) Ella – You are my sunshine. I never knew how much my heart could hold until you were born.
4.) My Parents – You loved me unconditionally and always taught me to remember WHO I am and WHO’S I am.
5.) My Sister - You are my best friend and I look up to you more than you will ever know. I hope that I can be half as good of a mother as you are.
6.) My In-Laws – Thanks for being so great and not being crazy. Some people have horror stories about their in-laws being nuts, but mine happen to be pretty great.
7.) Leslie – You are my partner in crime and the costar in all my best stories. My life would be boring with out you in it.
8.) Amy – We are so different in so many ways, but alike in the ways that count. Thanks for always being there for me.
9.) Wendy – I’m so glad that you and Andy moved down here. You are a great friend and a wonderful mom. I look forward to many play dates with our kiddos.
10.) Charlie – You crack me up. Thank you for being such a good friend to Jon and to me.
11.) Andy – You are a great friend and so thoughtful.
12.) Jason – I’m so glad that you live so close. Even though are initially meeting was painfully quiet because you wouldn’t hardly talk to me, now you are one of my best friends. Actually, you’re the brother I never had. Don’t leave for that long again!!
13.) Tom, Regina, & Amber – I could never have picked a better place in a million years to work. You have been so good to me and my family. You are such wonderful friends and I could never say thank you enough for all you do for us.
14.) Lori – You are so precious. I pray for you continuously. You and Drew deserve good things. I know it’s just around the corner!!
15.) The Johnson Family – You are family and I love you. Thank you for always looking out for me when I did stupid stuff.
16.) I’m thankful that I have a roof over my head, food to eat, clothes to wear, and a car to drive.
17.) I’m thankful that Jon and I prepared the way so that I could stay home with my Ella.
18.) Dave Ramsey – Sometimes I would like to kill you, but most of the time I’m thankful for your wisdom. Your plan has made a world of difference in our lives and in our marriage. We no longer fight about money.
19.) I’m thankful that Jon has a job that has good health insurance or we’d be in the poor house.
20.) I’m thankful that, while I’m not in the best health, I can get up in the morning and do what I need to do and that I lead a normal life (whatever normal is)
21.) I’m thankful that I was able to go to a reproductive endocrinologist to help us have Ella.
22.) I’m thankful for all the family and friends that I didn’t mention here. Our lives are enhanced by the different people that are in it.

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